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Community Engagement

We believe that community engagement is a tenant of public health research. Read about some of the collaborations between the Coleman Research Group and the Baltimore community below.

The CSM Initiative is a Johns Hopkins program that pairs scholars from diverse backgrounds with departments at Johns Hopkins for a summer experience. Scholars receive training to build skills to achieve advanced careers in medical and STEM professions. During the summer of 2021, we are thrilled to have Natalie Mar Cordero from the University of Virginia working with the Coleman Research Group.

Hello! My name is Natalie Mar Cordero. I am currently a rising 4th year student at the University of Virginia, double-majoring in Global Public Health and Medical Anthropology on the Pre-Medicine track. I am passionate about alleviating the inequities in healthcare faced by Black and Brown communities with a history of marginalization in the U.S. and Latin America. I believe that it is my duty to learn about the complexities of global healthcare systems and find ways to alleviate the disparities that exist in these communities.

I applied to the Johns Hopkins Careers in Science and Medicine Program because I knew that it would allow me to meet mentors and peers alike who have similar experiences to my own, and who would provide rewarding advice to help make my goals a reality. In each of my endeavors, I strive to represent and advocate for individuals whose intersectional identities have made them most vulnerable to oppression by the systems of this country and abroad. Participating in this program and working with Dr. Coleman’s research group will bring me one step closer to alleviating the health disparities that affect cities like Baltimore.


In understanding these complexities, I hope to become a physician who can provide efficient and equitable care.

The Johns Hopkins Summer Jobs Program is sponsored by Johns Hopkins Health System and Johns Hopkins University. The program provides Baltimore City students the opportunity to complete a six-week long intership with a Hopkins department. The program promotes exposure to careers and workplace culture, while providing an educational experience that promotes mentoring and fosters personal responsibility. This program is in partnership with YouthWorks. We are thrilled to have 3 high school students working with the Coleman Research Group for the summer of 2021. 

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Mia Weller, rising 11th grade, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute

Hi! My name is Mia Weller, and I am a rising high school junior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. I aspire to be an aid for the underserved in my community. While attaining my certificate in Community Health Work at the Morehouse School of Medicine, I became more aware of health disparities in Baltimore, and wondered how I could help. I applied to Johns Hopkins Summer Jobs to further my knowledge in health disparities. I’m looking forward to learning how to help bridge the gaps in sexual and reproductive healthcare disparities. 

Lia Gilleran, recent graduate, Baltimore City College

Hello! My name is Lia Gilleran. I just graduated from Baltimore City College and will be heading to Georgetown in the fall. At Georgetown, I am interested in pursuing a career in law, with an intersection in medicine or science. In high school, I participated in Mock Trial and worked with Planned Parenthood, which is what inspired my interest in reproductive health. In my free time, I love to read, and my favorite genre is fantasy. During JHSJP, I hope to learn more about the field of Gynecology and discuss challenges practitioners face in the area.

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In September 2021, we launched a Youth Community Advisory Board of 40 adolescents and young adults in the greater Baltimore area, to help guide the development of a digital health platform and online brand to make sexual and reproductive healthcare and education more accessible for young people. 

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